Online Learning

Students interested in receiving high school credit for an independent program must meet with their School Counselor to get approval BEFORE starting the course.

Online learning courses are delivered through the Internet. Course work is conducted through a learning platform that may include electronic forums, discussion groups, external resources, quizzes, Skype, social rooms, and electronically-submitted assignments.

Learning activities may include pair work, small group work and project work. Courses are taught by licensed teachers with special training in online student support. Online course work time is flexible and can happen during and outside of the regular school day.

Options for accessing online learning opportunities for required and/or elective courses include the following programs:

Vermont Virtual Learning Cooperative (VTVLC)
VTVLC is a partnership of Vermont`s K-12 schools and teachers offering online courses. VTVLC offers .5-credit and 1-credit courses. Courses meet rigorous national standards and are designed to meet or exceed school graduation requirements. Availability may be limited. For more information about VTVLC please visit

The Virtual High School Collaborative (VHS)
VHS online study program provides students with challenging and engaging student-centered courses that both enrich and expand EHS course offerings. Students gain 21st century global competence skills while participating in an online learning environment with a diverse peer group.

VHS addresses students` educational needs by creating an additional pathway to college and career readiness. Availability may be limited. For more information about VHS please visit

Other online programs and correspondence courses may be available and must be pre-approved. Students interested in receiving high school credit for an independent program must meet with their School Counselor to get approval BEFORE starting the course. 

Drop Guidelines for EHS & VTVLC/VHS Students can drop a class up to 10 school days after Quarter 1 ends (or Quarter 3 for a semester 2 class) with no impact on the transcript (nothing will show up at all). If the course is dropped after the 10-day mark, a grade of W (withdraw) with no GPA bearing will be added to the transcript.

Note: VTVLC & VHS have their own drop grace periods at the beginning of each semester and they each end before the EHS drop grace period. If a student drops after the VHS/VTVLC grace period they will get a W (withdraw) on their VHS/VTVLC transcript even if it's before the EHS drop grace period. Talk to the EHS VTVLC/VHS coordinator Aaron Mason with any questions.

Vermont Virtual Learning Cooperative (VTVLC)

VTVLC is a partnership of Vermont`s K-12 schools and teachers offering online courses. VTVLC offers .5-credit and 1-credit courses. Courses meet rigorous national standards and are designed to meet or exceed school graduation requirements. Availability may be limited. For more information about VTVLC please visit VTVLC Website.

The Virtual High School Collaborative (VHS)

VHS online study program provides students with challenging and engaging student-centered courses that both enrich and expand EHS course offerings. Students gain 21st century global competence skills while participating in an online learning environment with a diverse peer group.

VHS addresses students` educational needs by creating an additional pathway to college and career readiness. Availability may be limited. For more information about VHS please visit The VHS Collaborative Website.

Other online programs and correspondence courses may be available and must be pre-approved. Students interested in receiving high school credit for an independent program must meet with their School Counselor to get approval BEFORE starting the course. 

Drop Guidelines for EHS & VTVLC/VHS Students can drop a class up to 10 school days after Quarter 1 ends (or Quarter 3 for a semester 2 class) with no impact on the transcript (nothing will show up at all). If the course is dropped after the 10-day mark, a grade of W (withdraw) with no GPA bearing will be added to the transcript.

Note: VTVLC & VHS have their own drop grace periods at the beginning of each semester and they each end before the EHS drop grace period. If a student drops after the VHS/VTVLC grace period they will get a W (withdraw) on their VHS/VTVLC transcript even if it's before the EHS drop grace period. Talk to the EHS VTVLC/VHS coordinator Aaron Mason with any questions.