Core Values & Beliefs

Mission Statement/Narrative

Essex High School is a mission-driven and learner-centered community that believes, through both independent and collaborative engagement, everyone can develop excellence in their individual pursuits. We offer a rigorous and varied curriculum and believe in challenging students to think critically and act responsibly, compassionately, and respectfully. We foster intellectual curiosity and resourcefulness, so that students can engage in their learning to achieve the behaviors, skills, and knowledge essential to becoming contributing members of their community and citizens of a diverse and ever-changing world.


  • Valuing the voice of all stakeholders, keeping equity in mind, and encouraging the voices of those historically marginalized.

  • Valuing community languages, practices, and ways of being.

  • Contributing to and supporting the community

  • Reflecting the values of trust, partnership, and academic mindset in our school and classrooms

  • Taking care of ourselves and our community.

Collective Efficacy

  • Collaborating and supporting each other in our work toward common goals.

  • Ensuring students achieve despite other influences in their lives that can challenge their success.

High Expectations for All

  • Providing support for everyone to reach their full potential.

  • Taking responsibility for failure and success.

  • Having a growth mindset for all members of the community.

  • Valuing student agency and voice.

  • Using multiple measurements to define success for all.

  • Valuing multiple intelligences including academic, social, emotional, physical, and artistic.

Making a Positive Impact

  • Making decisions that have the best interest of students in mind.

  • Balancing socioemotional learning with academic learning.

  • Destigmatizing mental health and using best practices to ensure wellness and self care in our community.

  • Using restorative practices to build community, resolve conflict and repair relationships.

Learning Expectations/Outcomes

EHS adopted the following competencies in May 2011 as a part of the accreditation process through the New England Association of Schools and Colleges ( - opens in a new window):

Academic Competencies

  1. Read and critically analyze a range of texts, media, and forms of art for a variety of purposes.

  2. Communicate clearly and creatively for a variety of purposes and audiences.

  3. Engage in the writing process when producing formal pieces of writing.

  4. Demonstrate a command of grammar, usage, and mechanics in writing.

  5. Formulate questions and solve problems.

  6. Effectively analyze and evaluate information in order to draw valid conclusions.

  7. Demonstrate mathematical literacy and reasoning skills.

  8. Understand which learning styles and strategies best facilitate their own learning.

  9. Demonstrate an understanding of personal finance.

  10. Use appropriate technological tools and information literacy skills to solve problems and enhance learning.

Social Competencies

  1. Demonstrate and foster compassion, respect, responsibility, and integrity.

  2. Work cooperatively and collaboratively with peers and adults within the school and greater community to support academic, personal, and social development.

  3. Make decisions that will positively influence social, emotional, and physical health and well-being.

  4. Understand choices have consequences.

Civic Competencies

  1. Understand and exhibit citizenship in order to be a contributing member of a democracy and of a global community.

  2. Understand a wide variety of post-secondary options.

(October 2012)