Superintendent Search

Dear EWSD,

The School Board has launched its search for our next superintendent. This is one of the most important decisions we will make as a board. The superintendent plays a very important role in making sure that each and every one of our students receives the support and resources they need to grow and thrive. We understand the significance of this decision and we are committed to leading a process that is transparent, accessible, and that is guided by the input and needs of our community. We have contracted with the search firm Alma Advisory Group to support us with this important process.

We want this process informed by community input and invite you to share your perspective on priorities for the next superintendent. There will be several opportunities to participate in this effort. This process will go by fast as we move towards the hiring process, so please don’t miss your chance to have your voice heard! Below you will find some initial opportunities to be involved in the process.

  • Complete the Superintendent Search Survey

    • We encourage everyone to complete this short survey to capture input about the qualities most important for our next superintendent.

  • Join us at the Community Gathering

    • Wednesday, October 23 from 6-7:30 p.m. at EHS. This session is open to our full community and will allow you to learn more about the search and share your input.

  • Can’t join in person? Join the virtual community gathering

Finally, we created a Superintendent Search webpage to find regular updates and information about this process. Please refer to this page with your questions and to stay informed.

Thank you for your support of EWSD and for your involvement as we work together to identify and welcome our next superintendent.


Robert Carpenter
EWSD Board Chair